2014 Length Check #1, Setbacks, Hair Growth, and More – ღ Natural Hair ღ

Length check on natural hair
* 2014 LENGTH CHECK #1 *

January 24, 2014 Length Check
☑ Front Right Side: 17.5 inches
☑ Front Left Side: 17.5 inches
☑ Back Side: 16.5 inches

Next Length Check and update will be in about 8 weeks!

The Plan To Retain Length Length for the next 8 weeks:
I will be wearing Senegalese twist for 4-8 weeks.
I am hoping to go the full 8 weeks with the twist in, but I don’t know how long they will last.
So, we will see. I will give an update on the twist soon!

Click HERE for more of my hair growth videos!!!

5 Easy Tips For Working Out With Straight Natural Hair

This is one of the most asked questions I get when I post my workout photos to instagram.
How do you maintain your heat stretched hair when working out?

I have a few easy tips that I use to maintain my hair along with working out. Now, these are just the things that have worked for me. Hopefully they will help you to create a routine that works for you!

A Few Important Details

☑ I work out 4-5 days during the week. Each day I do bout 2-3 hours of cardio and strength training.☑
☑ I wash my hair once a week
☑  I heat stretch once a week on wash day

One of the most important things to start off with when creating a routine for your hair and workouts is a schedule. Plan how often you NEED to wash your hair. This is probably going to depend on how much you sweat, and also just a personal preference. Just remember that less is always better with any hair routine.
For Example; I know that I will be working out Monday – Friday, so washing my hair in the middle of the week is not necessary. I want to also note that my head does not sweat a lot, so this works in regards to personal hygiene. I usually take off with working out during the weekend, so Friday is always wash day. The reality is I only have a few days with fresh hair.

Secure and Protect The Hair
If your hair has been straightened the last thing you want to do is wear your hair down or out during your work out. It doesn’t take much for natural hair to revert. Stick with styles that keep the hair laid down and put away. I go towards, high buns, low buns. I make sure my edges are laid down and sometimes will tie my edges down with a satin scarf or a headband.

Let It Dry
After my workout I don’t touch my hair for at least an hour, giving any hair that may have been wet during my workout a chance to dry and stay in place. I try to avoid applying heat to my hair during the middle of the week, but if needed you can blow dry the roots lightly.

Be Realistic
I have been really big on heat stretching my natural hair for a very long time, but even I know that any type of moisture will quickly destroy the perfect blow out or flat iron no matter what you do. I don’t usually go for bone straight hair, because it just doesn’t work for my lifestyle. My goal is always to keep my hair stretched, but not necessarily bone straight. If you are working out hard throughout the week and sweating the reality is you are going to sweat in your head. So, it is always going to be important to have a simple and consistent routine to follow with your hair and workout.

Who Cares
Oh my gosh….. I swear I could not wait to get to this part! Who freakin’ cares???? When I get in the gym I go super hard. I sweat all over, and if I am not sweating like crazy I don’t feel like I’m going hard enough. The last thing I am thinking about is my hair and what the next person will think about it once I am done. My health and personal fitness goals are more important to me at this point! Hair < Health

The great thing is that you can have balance. Create a simple routine so that you can do both!
I hope this helps or inspires someone!!!

Good luck



Easy Bun With Marley Twist Hair * Hairstyle *

So, I am sure you have seen this hairstyle before. I decided I would love to give it a try. This is a really easy but cute protective hairstyle.
For this video, I am using the Femi Collection Marley Braid Hair in color #2.
I put my hair into a ponytail, then I place the Marley hair around my ponytail with the rubber band that is already attached to the Marley hair. I twist the sections with my hair included. I wrap the twist around and pin them into place.
This is an easy hairstyle you can dress up or down and also do last minute!


More hairstyles like this HERE!



Finding The Best Natural Hair Products For My Hair

*Finding The Best Products & Tools For My Natural Hair*

Everyone is looking for that magic hair product. Seriously we all want to know what products will make our hair appear healthier, what products will keep our hair moisturized, what products will make our hair grow faster, etc. This is so important to us that the term “product junkie” has become widely popular!

How important is it to find the best product for your natural hair?
It is important, but it has it’s own special place in a hair routine. I don’t completely rely on hair products to determine the health of my hair, I don’t completely rely on hair products to grow my hair or help me to retain length. Products for me is more like an extra special treat added on everything else I’ve already done to care for my hair. It’s more like a styling tool. I use it to enhance what I already have.

If products are not primary for your regimen, what is?
I am more focused on methods and routine. We’ve heard it all before, proper hair care. How often do you do these things? Are you consistent? Are you gentle?
1.) Cleaning
2.) Conditioning / Deep Conditioning
3.) Moisturizing
4.) Detangling
5.) Styling & Daily Handling

After you have a plan for the things above that I like to refer to as the “basics of hair care” then you can enhance with products.
What you will need:

1.) Shampoo or conditioner to co wash
2.) Conditioner and/or oil
3.) Leave In or oil to seal in moisture
4.) Conditioner for slip, Wide tooth comb and/or detangling brush
5.) Gel if applicable, hair bands, scarfs, flowers, anything you want to use for hair accessories.

How To Find The Best Product For YOUR Natural Hair?
You need to know and understand YOUR hair. I always talk about “Building a Good Relationship With Your Hair”. The truth is no one knows your hair better than you. Your hands are in your hair almost everyday.

The products that work for you are going to depend on what you know about your hair.
What is your texture? (how thick or fine each strand is)
What is your porosity? (how does your hair absorb moisture)
Elasticity and the health of your hair? (does your hair break easily)
What has your hair gone through? (heat usage, styling techniques, coloring or chemicals)

Okay, so once you know the information you need to know about your hair, you can start to put together a solid regimen and your staple products. I want to make this as simple as possible so I will stick to the basics of what has helped me.

Quick Example:

I have low porosity hair, my elasticity is pretty good, and I am someone who uses heat regularly at least once a week. I don’t have any type of chemicals including color in my hair. Overall my hair is in good shape.

1.) When it comes to shampoo I use a no sulfate shampoo weekly.
I have low porosity hair so product can really build up on the strands, so I also clarify at least once every 1-2 months. To clarify I just use a shampoo with sulfates.
2.) I always condition after I shampoo. With low porosity hair the cuticles are tightly closed making it difficult for the strands to absorb moisture I apply regular conditioner and then add extra virgin olive oil to my hair. I then sit under a heated dryer for about 15-30 minutes. The heat gently lifts the cuticles so that the moisture is absorbed.
3.) I leave a little bit of my extra virgin olive oil in my hair. Then I add a light leave in. Most low porosity hair does not respond well to thick leave ins and butters. It just makes the hair feel extremely dry no matter how much product you pack on.
4.) I always detangle on soaking wet hair. I use Aunt Jackie’s Instant Detangling Leave In. This gives me a little slip during my detangling session. The slippery the hair is, the easier it is to slide the wide tooth comb through or my fingers.
5.) For styling I don’t add anything else to my hair. I just use the leave in and style as desired.

For me the less products I have the easier my hair journey is. This way if something does stop working or goes wrong, it is easier to figure out what the culprit is.

The tips to finding your hair product does not include the latest, greatest, and most expensive products. None of this matters when picking products for your hair. Usually the products with the most hype offer the least results sadly.
Learn your hair and stick to what YOU know works regardless of the rules. If your hair is healthy and happy you are going in the right direction.

Good luck on your journey!


Watch Me On Youtube Her! – Natural Hair Videos!

Coils and Pig Tails ❤ Curly Hairstyles ❤

Beautiful Coils That Last on Curly Hair

If you would like to discuss this more in detail or if you have any other questions about natural hair. Click The link below! I look forward to speaking with you! Google Helpout - Natural Hair ———————————————

“easy natural hair”

Click MsAliciaJames.com For More “Natural Hair” videos!

Adding Moisture To My Heat Stretched Natural Hair – Q-Redew

q-redew on natural hair -moisturizing natural hair

How I Use The Q-Redew
I use the q-redew to moisturize my heat stretched hair. It is usually really difficult for me to moisturize my heat stretched hair, because of the fear that my hair will shrink dramatically and my style will be ruined. With the Q-Redew my hair does not get soaking wet. It basically just pushes out a warm mist which helps my hair to absorb moisture, but also keeps it stretched out. What I also like to do is stretch the hair down as I steam to help minimize any shrinkage.

What is the Q-Redew?
A handheld hair steamer
used to reshape, rejuvenate, and moisturize hair

How much is the Q-Redew and where can I purchase one?
$69.95 + tax
I purchased mine from Amazon.com

How long does it take to steam all of your hair?
It takes me no more than 10 minutes

Quick Tips
It holds about 3 oz of water. I have to refill it at least once to do my entire head. I have loads of hair though.
Make sure to twist or braid the section of hair after you steam. This will help keep the hair stretched out.

If you would like to discuss this more in detail or if you have any other questions regarding natural hair. Click The link below! I look forward to speaking with you! Google Helpout - Natural Hair ———————————————

“easy natural hair”

Click MsAliciaJames.com For More “Natural Hair” videos!

Being Stubborn and Taking My Own Advice – Natural Hair Lessons

Five Year Natural Hair Journey


So.. I guess with this blog I am kind of exposing myself in a way. I admit it, sometimes I can be a little stubborn, or at least in the past. I am one of those people who don’t believe in this is who I am and that’s it. I believe I can be whoever I want to be. If I don’t like something about myself, change it. Why not? Well, that is a whole other topic though.

Back to hair….

My Journey – Short and Sweet

Some of you have read and heard my story about my natural hair journey a thousand times. In the beginning I didn’t know I was going natural. I struggled for the first two and a half years. I literally bought a relaxer for my hair at one point because I had given up. Then with the convincing from the people I love around me, I decided to do some research and found Youtube! Youtube changed my “hair life” LOL! I did tons of research trying to figure out how it all worked. It became a bit confusing, but I later developed my own routine of how to do things which I believe helped me to have success.

Bubble Busted
I know you are probably wondering what does this have to do with me being stubborn????
Ok..for a couple of years I had this awesome regimen that worked like a charm. Everything was perfect..okay not perfect, but it was working out for me. I was retaining length, my hair was transforming, it had sheen, shine, and sometimes had a little bounce. Well.. once I hit my length goal on my four year anniversary it seems that things started to go a little downhill for me. Now, I will say that I wasn’t as disciplined with my hair as I was previously. I experimented a little more. I really wanted to start truly enjoying my hair. Once I was done playing in my hair, I decided to get back to my normal routine. I was sticking to low manipulation. I had my favorite go to products at the time. (Herbal Essence shampoo / conditioner and my Cantu Shea Butter Leave In). I was back on the path to maintaining healthy hair and continuing my journey to growth! HAAAAA! My hair started laughing at me! It was almost like it was getting revenge on me for the many wash and gos, the days of sleeping without pinning my hair down, etc. My must have items and routine was no longer working for me.

Not to toot my own horn, but I have loads of knowledge on hair. *beep beep* (clears throat) LOL! Seriously, I saw my hair suffering a little and I knew what I needed to do. I’ve wrote about this, I’ve talked about this, but for some reason I did not want to accept it. Why do I have to change the things that I do? It worked before. I had plans to spend the rest of my “natural hair life” with this routine and products. There has to be some sort of natural hair reset button, right?! WRONG! It literally took me months to get out of my natural hair regimen box, and start to be open to new products and ideas.

Five Years Natural and READY For Change
So, I hit five years natural September 2013. I had cut my hair earlier that year along with my questionable hair practices, so I started off my fifth year with hair shorter than my fourth year. UH UH Honaaaay! I was not having it. It really made me think about what I was doing. If someone came to me and needed a few tips on how to deal with a similar situation I would speak about the changes that the hair goes through the older it gets. I would talk about how it is actually normal sometimes for you to have to transition into a new routine and maybe switch up a few products. etc. I would talk about examining and breaking down your regimen to find the things that may or may not be working. I had to start taking my own advice again. I decided to try out new products and revamped my hair routine. I’ve watched my hair quickly come back to life. I am back to retaining length like before. My hair looks and feels great! I am truly relieved.

The Point
I always say that there are no rules to this journey. Sometimes you have a perfect “hair day” and sometimes it all feels like a complete failure. It’s just the way that hair works. You could be doing everything that you think is right, but it still may not work out the way you want. Everyone seems to have the “perfect” advice for what YOU should do with YOUR hair. You’ve taken suggestions, you’ve tried all of the magic potions, but nothing seems to work.
Stay patient in your journey. Don’t get too caught up in routine. Don’t get caught up in hype. Stick to doing only what you NEED. This will keep things simple, and and also leave you open to change if things are not working out. Also, don’t give up on your hair when things seems to be on a downward spiral (breakage, dryness, excessive shedding). It may take time to doctor your hair back to good health, but it doesn’t always mean you need to chop it all off to start over, or give up completely on natural hair. Most of my journey I have had to go through a few changes with my routine. Not using that relaxer that day really paid off, and my hair has transformed in ways I never imagined or even thought was possible.

You Can Do This!

If you would like to discuss this more in detail or if you have any other questions about natural hair. Click The link below! I look forward to speaking with you! Google Helpout - Natural Hair ———————————————

“easy natural hair”

Click MsAliciaJames.com For More “Natural Hair” videos!

Curling Wand On My Natural Hair

* Quick Steps *

  • Minimize damage by starting on clean dry hair
  • Section Hair Into 4 Sections (2 in front and 2 in the back) to make styling easier and faster
  • Take small sections and wrap around the wand
  • Hold the wand into place no more than 10 seconds
  • Gently slide hair off the wand and hold in hand to cool for about 5 seconds and release the curl. This helps the curls to last longer
  • Repeat these steps until you are done

What Curling Wand Did You Use? Remington Tstudio Collection Pearl Digital Ceramic Curling Wand 1/2 – 1 inc barrel

Where Did You Get Your Curling Wand? Amazon.com

What Heat Protectant Did You Use? I have extra virgin olive oil on my hair, which is what I normally use as a heat protectant, but because I am working with dry hair, I did not add any more product to my hair. I do not want to risk frying or burning product into my hair.

How long does it take? It took me about 30 minutes. It was really simple after you got your rhythm.

What Temperature Did You Use? I used the curling wand on 284 degrees. The curling wand goes up to 410, but I personally don’t want to go anywhere near that with my fine strands.

Quick Note / Tip
The curling wand is bigger at the top and gets smaller towards the bottom. If you wrap your hair around the smaller section of the wand you will get tighter curls. If you wrap your hair around the bigger part of the wand you will get bigger / looser curls. The curls got bigger throughout the day as I moved around and went out. I actually liked the fullness as the day went on. The curls lasted to the next day. I put my hair in a loose high bun, not expecting to have the curls, but woke up with big hair and loose curls. It was definitely still wearable. So, if you do the proper night time maintenance you should be able to get more wear out of this hairstyle.

If you would like to discuss this more in detail or if you have any other questions regarding natural hair. Click The link below! I look forward to speaking with you! Google Helpout - Natural Hair ———————————————

“easy natural hair”

Click MsAliciaJames.com For More “Natural Hair” videos!

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